[Valid Atom 1.0] Life With Cake: Eating Disorder Blog: The Conundrum of Recovery

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Conundrum of Recovery

I remember a therapist, many actually, telling me that for every year I put into my eating disorder, it would take the same amount of time to get to the same level of progression in recovery. 17 years? I didn't want to believe it, but as the years pass, I think to some extent the theory might prove true.

While I've been a longstanding member in the rooms of OA, at present(and for the last 3 years), I don't go. I'm somewhat of the atypical (not in a 'terminally unique' way) OA-er in that I eat anything I want, hence my blog title. Moreover, my abstinence has never been better.

With that said, there are myriad layers of recovery...defining recovery as finding serenity with food and body image.

This is where I am. I don't binge and purge or starve--haven't for a long time (yea!). However, I still have a mild obsession about when and what I will eat. I still look in the mirror to see if my "fat" has shifted or grown in any area. The difference today being that I can still leave the house if I "feel" fat.

What plagues me the most in this part of my recovery is that I still eat to comfort myself on some level. I hate this because, of course, I want to have perfect abstinence. I want never to "need" food. Even people without EDs eat for comfort from time to time.

The conundrum is that while I can let dualistic and distorted thinking impede on my serenity--the same thinking that drove me to the grocery store day after day for nearly 20 years--it is far less emotionally crippling. It's kind of like, so what? Life goes on. I don't know how my mentality has changed, but I can only attribute it to this process of recovery my therapist mentioned years back.

Cliche for the day: Recovery is not a destination. It's a process and a journey.


Anonymous said...

"This is where I am. I don't binge and purge or starve--haven't for a long time (yea!)." this is huge and i am glad it has been a long time.
i agree with you that recovery is a process and a journey. i have realized that myself.

i have posted a reply to your question on my blog and i will write the brief version on here - cs and i have been partners for 3 1/2 years. read more of my reply on my page...

I Hate to Weight said...

wow, i could have written this. this is exactly where i am.

it's wild and comforting to share so much with someone i don't know. and to have similar issues and responses.

i don't binge, purge, starve or eat compulsively, but i do use food for comfort once in a while and i do WANT to use it far more often.

what i wouldn't give to not "need" food at all. thanks for this great post

Anonymous said...

i dont know that much about the blogging world...i was thinking about beginning an anonymous blog on my recovery journey
i have a pretty fascinating story
and yeah, i've been in OA since i was a teenager (in my early 30's now,) and dont do the "normal OA way"
i eat whatever i want and doing that has saved me from going on another binge bender..
let me know if u have any suggestions? do u have an email?